Meet Arlene Kaiser

Many years ago, I was interviewed for a television series. The director looked intently into my eyes and said, “Tell me about yourself.”  If you are considering my service as a speaker, you may be asking the same question.  So, here goes…

I am very interested in people. Therefore, I can be found in dialogue with folks I meet at the local coffee shop, the airport, and even the grocery store. I have a knack for opening the door to intense conversations and gaining insights about people. It is a privilege to connect with individuals so quickly and deeply.

My credentials include my history, education, and reputation. As an educator, I was selected as Teacher of the Year for my city and county. Later, I received national recognition as Educator of the Year.  I am a life-long learner with a B.A., M.A., and doctorate.

I recently completed a yearlong coaching program to add this skill to my repertoire. To document my professional and personal growth, I meet regularly with a life coach and a spiritual mentor.  I also attend the National Speakers Association events to sharpen my speaking skills as well as to inspire upcoming speakers.

And what do I do for fun?  That would definitely include swimming, snorkeling, board games, and equestrian activities. I regularly donate time to the county parks as a member of their volunteer equestrian park patrol.

I further serve my community in other ways. I assist the scouting programs with the skills required to obtain the horsemanship-scouting patch, and I assist secondary students with their speaking and debate skills for competition.  When my schedule allows, I speak for service clubs, and/or participate as a judge for their speech contests. My family and I are also active in our local community church.

As I mentioned earlier, I am an extrovert and enjoy being with people. However, I need and appreciate solitude for meditation, reflection, and journal writing.  I delight in yearly excursions to Cancun, cruising anywhere, and Lake Tahoe, California.

The 3 P’s are tops with me: pomegranates, persimmons, and peanut butter cookies. Math skills, sewing, big hardware stores, and computer programs are among my challenges.

If your interest has been sparked, let’s have a conversation to explore the possibility of working together.

Oh… and about that acting interview, I did get the job, and I have maintained my Screen Actors Guild membership ever since.
